Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What lost the game

By: Evan from Evansville

(This was called a jump ball)

Here are the reasons UK lost their 1st game of the season tonight (in semi-chronological order)

  • Daniel Orton called for an offensive goal tend when the ball was clearly off the rim
  • John Wall tries to make a sick layup on a backdoor lob instead of coming down with the ball
  • Bledsoe misses a wide open layup deciding whether to dunk or not
  • Dodson misses a wide open layup trying to dunk
  • Shot clock set to 2 seconds after S.C.'s 3 pointer missed. The shot was missed at 2 seconds, but there was a loose ball. Time would've expired, thus it should've been UK's ball
  • Every over the back of the game that wasn't called on S.C.
  • Every travel by Downey that wasn't called
As you can see, the trend here is stupid decisions trying to be 'cute' and poor officiating. The poor officiating you have to dismiss. It was a road game. Submit a tape to the SEC. Several of these misses were quite obvious, but you'll get that sometimes.

The 'cute' stuff is something these guys need to work on or they will lose in March against a team that always makes the little plays.

1 comment:

  1. The guy on the left looks like a velociraptor from Jurasic Park. That would make DeMarcus Cousins Newman. - Greg
